OWWR radio interview

My trip out to Hicksville in Long Island was easy, no real traffic. I really enjoyed my interview on Michael J. Mand's show St. James Infirmary. We had a fun free flow conversation, and I also got Michael to answer my favorite question "What inspires you?" Michael's "day job" is dentistry. Michael is a dentist with an amazing love of music and people. On air he calls himself Michael The Molar Maven a perfect handle.

Here's an MP3 audio of the full interview:

OWWR radio interview
St. James Infirmary show Cathy Grier + Michael J. Mand

Michael's comfortable style of interviewing revealed his inquisitive nature asking me such questions that ranged from "What's the difference between an engineer and a producer," "Who invented seats that recline?" to "What is it about musicians that make them more activist than dentists?" We discussed the rights of a subway performer, and Michael's experiences meeting other performers. We touched on other subjects ranging from rap as folk music, to violence against women. I performed live, and Michael played my Rise Up (One Billion Rising) song that I wrote for Eve Ensler's V-Day.org. The show is a little over an hour.  To the left of the image of Michael and I is the MP3 file of the entire interview

Michael The Molar Maven and me

Michael The Molar Maven and me

When chatting about New Yorkers Say No To War, apologies to Laura Flanders for mangling her name. And to Willie Nile song One Guitar (completely missed the 2nd verse)… that's my world of live interviews folks!