To celebrate April Fool's Day Here's a free download of my song What Fool's Do
No fooling:
To celebrate April Fool's Day Here's a free download of my song What Fool's Do
No fooling:
Tomorrow I'll be recording all day in a recording studio. 2002 seems like a lifetime ago when I went into Magic Shop in Soho to record my CD Comin Back To Me. As far as vocal quality, guitar stylings and sound goes, it was a lifetime ago. Also not lost on me, the world of the internet has completely transformed the life of a musician. In 2002 it was beginning to seem like something big was changing. Today in 2014 we are in another hemisphere.
I've been singing in the subway since that time and honestly haven't been able to figure out what to do next. Fast forward to the end of 2013 when a film maker friend of mine Lilian Haidar (she shot the cover of my 1998 recording "Retracing") invited me to hear Steve Poltz at Bowery Electric. I really liked the sound and introduced myself to the enginner Harper James who said he worked at Degraw Sound in Brooklyn, So that is where I will be singing my heart out all day long.
Stay tuned. Follow my postings on instagram @nycsubwaygirl
here are some covers of past recordings: Retracing 1998, Comin Back To Me 2002, What Fools Do 2002, Gut Reaction front and back cover, Troia/Grier 1983
My trip out to Hicksville in Long Island was easy, no real traffic. I really enjoyed my interview on Michael J. Mand's show St. James Infirmary. We had a fun free flow conversation, and I also got Michael to answer my favorite question "What inspires you?" Michael's "day job" is dentistry. Michael is a dentist with an amazing love of music and people. On air he calls himself Michael The Molar Maven a perfect handle.
Here's an MP3 audio of the full interview:
Michael's comfortable style of interviewing revealed his inquisitive nature asking me such questions that ranged from "What's the difference between an engineer and a producer," "Who invented seats that recline?" to "What is it about musicians that make them more activist than dentists?" We discussed the rights of a subway performer, and Michael's experiences meeting other performers. We touched on other subjects ranging from rap as folk music, to violence against women. I performed live, and Michael played my Rise Up (One Billion Rising) song that I wrote for Eve Ensler's The show is a little over an hour. To the left of the image of Michael and I is the MP3 file of the entire interview
Michael The Molar Maven and me
When chatting about New Yorkers Say No To War, apologies to Laura Flanders for mangling her name. And to Willie Nile song One Guitar (completely missed the 2nd verse)… that's my world of live interviews folks!
NYC Subway Girl chats with Floyd and they jam together
'What Fools Do' words/music C. Grier Singerfish Publishing SESAC
Cathy Grier performs her songs 'Comin' Back To Me' and 'What Fools Do" with hosts Heather Cabot and David Muir November 2004
words/music C. Grier SESAC Singerfish Publishing
Tappers CK and Danny Gardner join me at Union Square. 'What Fools Do' from my CD 'Comin' Back To Me' Words/Music-C. Grier Sesac Singerfish Publishing
clip by Greg Reitman