May 2024, the information in these pages and links may not be the most up to date. It is intended to inform. Please let me know if you find anything that needs to be updated. Thanks
from the MTA Arts & Design website
This is taken directly from the MTA arts + Design website regarding the MTA Music Program
MTA MUSIC (Music Under New York) is one of the many visual and performing arts programs administered by MTA Arts & Design that enhances the transit environment for customers. MTA MUSIC began as a pilot program in 1985 and became an Arts & Design program in January 1987, with the enthusiastic support of the commuting public.
More than 350 individual performers and ensembles participate in over 12,000 annual performances in approximately 40 locations throughout the MTA's transit system. These performances encompass classical strings, jazz ensembles, world music bands, folk, a cappella groups, singer-songwriters, and more, featuring a wide range of instruments such as the Gambian kora, Korean drum, West Indian steel drums, Andean pipes, Cajun cello, Celtic and Baroque harps, guitars, violins, hammered dulcimers, and musical saws.
How the program works
To add new performers to the roster, MTA MUSIC holds an audition every year. The program seeks quality acts that speak to the diversity of the MTA’s customers. All submissions are welcome and considered for the live audition scheduled in the spring. Online applications are available in January. A panel of professionals — including representatives from the music industry, cultural institutions, station operations, and fellow musicians — judge each performance based on quality, variety, and appropriateness for the mass transit environment.
Performers accepted into the program attend an orientation meeting and receive information about the program, as well as briefings on passenger safety and comfort. Performers are also given personalized MTA MUSIC banners to display during scheduled performances.
MTA MUSIC locations are designated within transit facilities based on passenger flow and space appropriateness. New sites are adopted by Arts & Design in coordination with stations’ representatives and are monitored for passenger safety and comfort. Special events are presented to the public in celebration of holidays and noteworthy events such as World Music Festival, Jazz Festival, Women’s History Month, and other occasions.
MTA MUSIC performers
Audition information
MTA MUSIC Audition and Audition Application dates: TBD.
Performance locations
See all of the locations where you will find MTA MUSIC (Music Under New York) performers in action.
Rules and regulations
For the fine print about performing in the transit system, read our Subway Performance Rules, which are drawn from the MTA Rules of Conduct, Section 1050.6 under 3.
Contact us
To ask questions or get more information, email
Welcome buskers! Interested in knowing how to get involved in the NYC busking scene? Know Your rights. I try to keep these links and information updated as best I can. Disclaimer: I am a resource not an official site representing NYC or MTA.
This might not be up to date: more up to date info here
section 1050.6 Use Of The Transit System of MTA rules:
the important section in the 1,188 word document of non transit uses permitted, is this phrase. artistic performances, including the acceptance of donations;
Memorize it. sing it. and get a copy of the Rules of Conduct pamphlet to carry with you. (BuskNY is happy to send them to you). But also realize it isn't just that simple either. You can't impede traffic, you can't amplify. And be respectful of the surroundings anytime you perform in a public space.
here's the section below: words highlighted in bold are mine for emphasis:
c) Except as expressly permitted in this subdivision, no person shall engage in any nontransit uses upon any facility or conveyance. Nontransit uses are noncommercial activities that are not directly related to the use of a facility or conveyance for transportation. The following nontransit uses are permitted by the Authority, provided they do not impede transit activities and they are conducted in accordance with these rules: public speaking; campaigning; leafletting or distribution of written noncommercial materials; activities intended to encourage and facilitate voter registration; artistic performances, including the acceptance of donations;
equally important in MTA Rules of Conduct is 1050.7 Disorderly conduct which in section e states that you can not:
e) create any sound through the use of any sound production device, except as specifically authorized by 1050.6(c) of these rules. Use of radios and other devices listened to solely by headphones or earphones and inaudible to others is permitted;
Rules of performing:
Entertaining on the Subway
The Rule which regulates the provision of entertainment on the subway is Section 1050.6 (c). Some features of this Rule are listed below. This description should NOT be considered a full explanation of all aspects of this rule, but only a brief and general summary. All persons who are interested in performing on the subway and who wish to avoid violating the law are strongly advised to contact New York City Transit beforehand to get a copy of the Rules of Conduct, as well as a more complete explanation of their requirements.
Some general rules for performing on the subway include (but are not limited to) the following:
Artistic performances on transit facilities are permitted, but only if they are in accordance with the following rules AND if they do not impede transit activities, including access to the trains and stations and the free movement of passengers. All artistic performances which violate these rules OR which impede transit activities are forbidden.
articles 2-13 read on for the rest of the rules of conduct
Busk NY
If you are in need of copies of MTA Rules of Conduct, BuskNY is happy to send to you. Make your request by emailing
General Information about BuskNY an advocay group.
BuskNY advocates for visual art and music in the NYC subway. We believe that it's important to bring performances to public spaces, and we share an appreciation for subway music with an overwhelming of MTA ridership.
Although artistic performance has been legal in the NYC subway since 1985, subway performers face periodic stigmatization, occasionally misinformed media coverage, and ongoing harassment by public servants who believe music to be a crime.
We work to bring public attention to wrongful arrests, as well as to reduce the incidence of harassment through dialogue with transit police and efforts to create visibility of our legal status.
We also seek to counsel performers who have experienced wrongful arrest or violence for creating art, and to provide connections to legal services. Finally, we do some odd-jobbing: reaching out to other busking advocates, connecting buskers with local gigs, patrolling media coverage of the issue, and promoting busking events and causes in the area.
And check out our site,, for a blog and more information on buskers' rights.
photo Cathy Grier NYCSubwayGirl by Jordan Starr
MTA Music (MUNY, #MTAMusic) application to audition for the program is held only once a year.
The auditions are held in Grand Central terminal's Vanderbilt Hall in May.
MTA Music Under New York
Auditions Application
Download the Call for Performers Application and submission guidelines.
Below is from The Official Website of the City of New York:
Musician or Performer Permit
The City requires you to have a permit for some public performances.
You must have a permit to use a sound device such as a loudspeaker, megaphone, or stereo in a street performance. Sound Device Permits are available at local police precincts during business hours. The fee is $45. You do not need a permit for street performances without a sound device.
You must have a permit to perform in or next to a park. A permit is also required to host a special event, distribute fliers, or perform at the Staten Island Ferry terminals. Performance activities are not allowed on ferry boats.
The City coordinates subway performances through the Music Under New York (MUNY) program. MUNY selects performers by audition.
Find your local police precinct to apply for a Sound Device Permit.
Audition to be a Music Under New York (MUNY) subway performer.