Richie Kaye's Music and Mirth

Richie Kaye and Tony Lavorgna came to play after my set in the Graybar corridor of Grand Central and we chatted about their inspirations. Paul stopped to listen as he was leaving his shift working in the Graybar building, and he shared how Richie and Tony's music inspires him. A sound which can bring you right back to another time and place.

edited by Dan Kleederman

Jessie guest performer Grand Central

Jessie and her father Mike stopped by Graybar corridor to listen, we chatted about guitars and then I asked if one of them played the guitar, come to find out Jessie is the guitarist and I prodded her to play. Under the amazing limestone vaulted ceiling in the Graybar corridor in the Grand Central terminal she sang "Hallelujah." The best free concert hall in NYC.

What Inspires Jessie? "channel and feel emotion...every day life…..pour into voice and music."