It's hard to believe that it was already three years ago when the counter-culture magazine Adbusters sent out a call to action to Occupy Wall Street. Dozens of people gathered on September 17, 2011 to protest the Wall Street bailouts being granted by our government. After being forced off of Wall Street that night, protesters occupied the nearby public space of Zuccotti Park, and renamed it Freedom Park.
World Revolution Day is September 17. What Will You Do?
Dozens grew to hundreds and then to thousands. Protestors from all classes made their way to the park in hopes for a revolution. Three years later, the park is unoccupied by revolutionaries, however, the work started there is still being done.
In 2011, Occupy Wall Street received thousands of dollars of donations. Since then, some of that money has been used to bailout everyday Americans who have debt that has gone to collection agencies. Find out more about Strike Debt! and Rolling Jubilee's work here.
I visited Freedom Park regularly during OWS and captured some very moving clips. I wanted to share this video from day 25 of the occupation three years ago.
Adbusters has issued another call to action and September 17 is now known as "World Revolution Day," and asks the simple question, "What will you do?"
Zuccotti Park, three years later. September 2014.