25 Years after Tiananmen Square; I'm Still a Witness

Last week marked the 25 year anniversary of the Tiananmen Square uprising in China. It was a heroic demonstration of the people taking a public space in protest of a totalitarian regime. In the 25 years since that uprising and the use of armed forces to suppress civil disobedience, there have been more and more widely broadcasted protests against nations near and far. 

A defunct and corrupt government in Egypt. 

Civil unrest against election results and media control in Iran.

An uprising against Wall Street bailouts in our own country. 

And so on...

Through these many demonstrations have come hundreds of news stories. Sometimes the distance is too far for me to reach physically, and in those moments, I am solely a witness. 

As a singer and songwriter, I use my voice to witness these incidents to others and to ensure the memories of the oppressed and the murdered stay alive. I continue to be a witness in the vein of folk-singers past, like Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger. No matter the distance between myself and the awful stories on the 24-hour news cycle, I am still a witness, and I keep on witnessing to those who can still hear. 

I wrote a song entitled "Witness," inspired by the courageous protestors who were at TIananmen Square. This song is for those lost in the fight for freedom. I first released it on my "Retracing" CD recorded in Key West, FL in 1998. It is available to you as a free download. And here are the lyrics.

As a songwriter I write to express my reaction to events like Tiananmen, through song I am relieved at the same time that I am outraged. In reality I continue to allow events to inform my creative world and in that world I can find solace. 25 years ago there was no such thing as "social media" and the internet as we know it. Today I use it as another path to share with you.

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Pete Seeger remembered

Pete Seeger's music was an integral part of my folk singer/songwriter education. I went to 4H summer camp in the early 70's in Moodus CT, where we gathered around a campfire singing to his music. I remember learning Little Boxes (written by Malvina Reynolds) made famous by Pete. And thanks to the internet, I just learned it's the theme song to Weeds (who knew- guess not me?! Shows you how TV illiterate that I am! 

In the midst of the early 70's with the Vietnam war and racial divides, his music, his art, his humble presence always pushed me to think instead of react. He taught me through his music the power of song, to sing out, sing loud and most of all sing together. 

He lived into his 90's and that's a lovely long life.


Pete Seeger is gone 
into the bitter cold air
his banjo silent
on a winter January day
From his music I joined the choir of the times
Sang of the earth
and caring for others, not just the righteous ones
but careful and concerned
for missing chances we humans forget to take
to chart a different course
he put the boat in the water
taught us to sail
without any power over
what prevailing winds, currents, eddys
would take us
Onward into his nineties
no ego
Sing out he cajoled
Sing Loud
The true power of song
within every next line a belonging
Call and answer praise
A voice that multiplies
is a Gorgeous sound