Between Black Friday hijacking Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday pushing us to consume goods, the emphasis should be on giving. It's why I am getting on the bandwagon for #GivingTuesday. We shouldn't need a day of the week to give, but it is true, it doesn't hurt to make an event out of giving to a cause or organization you believe in. If you are like me the year end comes pretty quick and organizations that depend on giving could use those funds now. The internet makes it quite simple (and safe) to go to your favorite website and give online.
NYCSubwayGirl donates a portion of performance contributions to organizations who help to make this world a better place. I call them The Champions I Support. Whether you give today on #GivingTuesday or not isn't the point, supporting with a gift of any size is.
I hope you join me.
#nycpoodles supporting #MadSqAppeal Madison Square Park Conservancy