I always bring my portable H4N to record my performances. I use mostly for my own archives. Since I'm taking a break I thought you'd enjoy hearing this performance of mine at Tara Hill Tavern. thanks to Sid Moskowitz for putting together these gigs.
image by Leonard Eisenberg
Tara Hill Tavern April 28, 2015 Here is the list of songs I performed, including a fun spontaneous jam with accordionist Curtis Becraft, on my song Easy come Easy Go.
Little By Little - Junior Wells
What Fools Do - Cathy Grier
Down On My Knees - Cathy Grier
Raised On Robbery - Joni Mitchell
Easy Come Easy Go - Cathy Grier, (special guest Curtis on accordion)
Good Thing - Cathy Grier
me and Curtis image by Carla Lynne Hall