Fall Colors up-state of bliss

I am writing from upstate NY where I've been all week.  The fall colors are amazing now finally transitioning from sharp fluorescent to muted golds and reds. I visited Equine Advocates a horse sanctuary as a guest of author and animal rights angel, Elizabeth Hess. And then on to Spruce Ridge Farm an Alpaca farm, to film clips for my Art For Animals benefit concert November 19th in Hudson, NY (I'm sharing the stage with Laurie Anderson, Joy Askew and Ruth Reichl will be curating food for the cocktail party beforehand). I plan on performing to a clip I'm creating featuring people and the animals that Inspire them, much like the clip I made for my Joe's Pub gig to share why I perform in the subway.

Equine Advocates is in Chatham, NY where I had an amazing tour from none other than director and visionary Susan Wagner and her sister Karen.  I met Bobby the rescued New York City carriage horse, (read my blog about Bobby) now living in horse heaven, he looks fantastic and happy.  On November 6th, Equine Advocates is having an amazing benefit and dance performance with horses, if you're in the area should not be missed.  Actress Joan Allen is hosting, follow this link to learn more.

Later in the week on another gorgeous Fall day, (so beautiful in fact that I had a hard time imagining I would be back performing in Grand Central next Tuesday) I visited Spruce Ridge Farm owned and operated by Jeff Lick and Steve McCarthy. Watching the strangely other worldly looking Alpacas frolicing in the pastures was breathtaking. And talking with the guys about their inspiration for changing their lives dramatically to live and work on a farm, inspirational.

Filming and talking with Susan and her staff at Equine Advocates and Jeff and Steve with their Alpacas, gave me a deep sense of their shared commitment and love for animals. 

If you find yourself in Columbia County NY, I encourage you to call and visit these amazing farms.

Stay tuned for my latest clips of Inspirations from my visits!

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Susan Wagner, Equine Advocates

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Jeff Lick and Steve McCarthy, Spruce Ridge Farm

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