water cooler chat NYC Subway performer style

Usually before and after I perform, there is an artist packing up or setting up in my scheduled location.  We stop and chat, across the sound and shuffling of commuters passing.  It's our own version of water cooler time.

Here's some of my latest videos served subway style: 

Irving Louis Lattin Rockefeller Center

Floyd Lee Grand Central Station Mezzanine

Delta Dave Grand Central Station Shuttle

Clips edited by Brendan Padgett

What Inspires Alan Chartock?

Alan Chartock President and CEO of Northeast Public Radio interviewed NYCSubwayGirl for WAMC radio and gives his inspiration. "Pete Seeger but also all the amazing staff at WAMC."


What Inspires Andy?

Cool People Care is a fantastic organization based out of cool Nashville. Co-branding with NYCsubwaygirl's first t-shirt, Cool People Care member Nancy VanReece got Andy from the printer Friendly Artic to talk about what inspires him, Nashville style.

check out their blog 5 minutes of Caring about NYCsubwaygirl and Cool People Care 

Andy Bird owner of Friendly Arctic printing company in Nashville shares his inspiration with Cool People Care member and social media guru Nancy VanReece. Cool People Care are co-branding NYC Subway Girl's first t-shirt http://store.coolpeoplecare.org/products/be-inspired-organic-t-shirt

as told to and filmed by Nancy VanReece