MLK Jr Peace, Love and so much more

I am filled with thoughts of a world that can exist in non-violence. Even though it feels like more and more we're living in a tinder box of conflicts, idealism and corporations dictating how our society should look like.

On this day celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. I use this space to share my true belief that only love will conquer hate, and only light can bring us out of the dark.

Every day should be MLK Jr day.

check out this list of MLK recommendations from Democracy Now's Amy Goodman to honor Dr. King's legacy.

NYC Veterans Day 2013


call me a dreamer

but I believe in peace

call me a contradicted peace activist because I can support a Veterans Day parade

and still believe that Peace is the only answer

Last year marked 11 years since America launched head first into Afghanistan

To have watched the parade with so many women vets, injured vets, all proud vets.

Vets from the Coast Guard, National Guard and all branches of what we could consider the usual branches of military.

Now we have drones and NSA spying to protect our freedoms, the unusual the norm. 

In an ongoing never to end war on terror, how can you stop a war on terror with Terror?

This is not the America I believe in. 

I grew up in the Vietnam generation, the Nuclear Age before the Age of Aquarius, learning to use song and activism to stand up against a government, against a ideal that I don't agree with or understand.  


Tomorrow I'll be standing along 5th avenue applauding those veterans of all races and gender. It's theirs to celebrate, their survival, their aliveness.


I will continue to hold from my beliefs. I will

Let the sunshine in. Let the sunshine in.

Retired Army Gen. Ann Dunwoody — the nation’s first female four-star general — will serve as grand marshal. Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno will represent the featured service branch, the Army, as honorary grand marshal.

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