Memorial Day rituals + community

Memorial Day is about remembering, it's about those who lost their lives in conflict and wars in the name of our freedom.  And yes it's about parades and gatherings, recitals, and picnics.

Who cares about the weather, and how wet and cold it is this year.  Because we get a chance to have our gatherings.  We get a chance to live among the living. We get to sing our Blues live and real.

My mantra is enjoy the BBQ with humble pie front and center.

This Memorial Day I remember and I celebrate for all those departed and those who are lost.  For those who dedicated for a purpose that they might never understand yet live with the consequences. Physically and emotionally.

Memorial Day. I'll be upstate at a lovely rural community gathering with a visit by the VFW, listening to the Governor's Proclamation and bowing my head in silence. Later I'll celebrate with friends.

Hope you have a wonderful day. Remembering.

Here's a pic of me and the Blues guys performing on Saturday, having been moved inside due to inclement weather. Taken by Fran Heaney:

2013 Memorial Day Blues Band by Fran Heany.jpg

Kurt, Richard, Kevin, me and Pete


with thanks to Joe Heller

Memorial Day parties are fun, but remember .. Remember

My brother sent me an email mindful of the irony of Memorial day, it showed cartoons of BBQ's and a picture of the only person standing at a parade was an old man in a wheelchair.  This Memorial Day our Military is still fighting the 'war on terror,' we're still at war in Afghanistan, and presently still involved in many conflicts throughout the globe.  It's fleet week here in NYC and I'm seeing so many young men and women who have enlisted to serve our country enjoying a fun time in NYC.  Whether I agree or disagree with war, we're in it and they represent our country.  So I am all for honoring them and memorial day for all those lost in conflicts. This year I'll be in a small upstate community standing on a town green on memorial day saluting the fallen, honoring the men and women of our national guard, and all the other branches of military.    

Many lives are lost every day to give us the world we believe we want to live in.  

Politics aside, this is a day to remember those fallen. 

This Memorial day go out and find where people are gathering to remember.  Maybe it's a local VFW remembrance, or a visit to a cemetery, especially with your children, they need to know.  

Be a part of honoring our fallen men and women who have lost their lives for our Country.

MEMORIAL DAY not just a party...

Memorial Day cartoons by Joe Heller  (used by permission, thanks Joe)


Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day weekend is what we call the unofficial start of summer, here in NYC it does feel like summer.  It's beautiful.  I'll be happily singing at my cousins wedding in Brooklyn and then heading upstate for the rest of the holiday.  

All the warm and happy festivities aside, Memorial Day was created as a way to honor those who have fought for our Country.

On Monday we'll wake up early and join other community members to gather on the town green to honor Memorial Day with VFW guards, placement of a wreath and a reading of a proclamation usually from the President or Governor Cuomo.  America is in our 10th year of war in Afghanistan and still present in Iraq.  The least we can do is to take a moment of silence and give thanks to those fallen soldiers of today and the past.

This Memorial Day I hope like me, you go out and find where people are gathering to remember.  Maybe it's a local VFW remembrance, or a visit to a cemetery, especially with your children, they need to know.

here's a link to Governor Cuomo's Memorial Day message

I regularly like to share the work of Sam Davidson's Cool People Care site.  Today he writes about the travel weekend and how to get where you're going more efficiently it's worth a look.


Memorial Day cartoon by Joe Heller (used by permission, thanks Joe)

Memorial Day parties are fun, but remember .. Remember

My brother sent me an email today mindful of the irony of Memorial day, with cartoons of BBQ's and a picture of the only person standing at a parade was an old man in a wheelchair.  This Memorial Day our Military is still fighting 2 wars and also attempting to stop a huge oil catastrophe in the Gulf Of Mexico using our Coast Guard and National Guard.  

Many lives are lost every day to give us the world we believe we want to live in.  

Politics aside, this is a day to remember those fallen. 

This Memorial day go out and find where people are gathering to remember.  Maybe it's a local VFW remembrance, or a visit to a cemetery, especially with your children, they need to know.  

Be a part of honoring our fallen men and women who have lost their lives for our Country.

MEMORIAL DAY not just a party...

Joe Heller Memorial Day

Memorial Day cartoons by Joe Heller (used by permission, thanks Joe)